Dapper Astrological Birthday Guests

Medium: ink Tusche

Every year I strive to send out birthday wishes on cards I designed. This is a full set of dapper party guests based on astrological signs. At the moment I am printing one of these a year and send them out. Done in ink.

Die Sternzeichen-Geburtstagsgesellschaft
Jedes Jahr versende ich persönlich gestaltete Geburtstagsgrüße. Als Inspiration hielten die Sternzeichen her - die als mehr oder weniger fähige Grußüberreichende zumindest festlich aussehen.

photo of a box of printed postcardsAquarius proudly presents their well wrapped giftPisces are having an insightful conversationAries was already hungry on the way overTaurus had a surprise planned for youIs it even possible to sing as harmoniously as Gemini?Cancer is even more proud of their wrapped gift than aquariusLeo was almost too hip to come to your party.Virgo could play the harp but chose a different instrument for your oh so special occasionLibra went ahead and got the lood alreadyScorpio handled parts of the decorationLook! Sagitarrius caught a wild cupcake!Capricorn had confetti and balloons. now its. confetti. yay.

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